Just a few of my observations about God's world

Surviving the Desert

We had a different kind of evening service one Sunday – about “desert experiences” in our lives – how God can use difficult times, etc. to help us grow. As part of it, there were 5 different “stations” around the room with questions, reflections, bible verses, etc. and a “desert” in the centre of the room. I found it really helpful. I later wrote to a friend…

You asked last night if I was alright. I’m sure at one time, I would have found last nights service difficult, full of memories and tears but last night, I actually found it so helpful. In the morning when the minister was speaking about journeys, I couldn’t help thinking that the biggest and most difficult journey I had taken most recently was over the last year and was a very personal one to me. And then towards the end, he mentioned that the biggest journeys are those of the heart or something like that. This was still very much in my mind as the evening service unfolded.

Each of the stations spoke very strongly to me about different aspects of my life with God and made me realize just how much I had changed over the last year. (It felt like I had spent a lot of time in the desert over the last year).

At “trust”, I had an overwhelming sense of God’s provision for me in so many ways, the whole time I was in the desert.

At “persevere”, I couldn’t get over God’s faithfulness to me, the whole time I was in the desert.

At “revive”, I knew in no uncertain terms how God could breathe new life into areas of my life which seemed so desolate and damaged before.

At “voice not an echo”, I found it very challenging that the desert is where I learn to be a voice that cries out – something I don’t find easy and I acknowledge that I need to work on a lot more but I was reminded how God provides strength in weakness and encouraged by that.

At “journey”, I just knew so much that wherever I am on this journey, that I am NEVER alone because God himself has provided the guide.

Afterwards, I went and spent some time just sitting in the “desert” with God. I had no pain, no fear, no worries, just a deep sense of God’s presence and I really didn’t want to leave. The desert wasn’t a difficult place to be last night and I found it really helpful to see just how much God has changed and healed me over the last year and how God has used desert experiences in my life. You helped me a lot during those desert experiences too (part of God’s provision) and I am really grateful to you – thank you!