Just a few of my observations about God's world

Observation of a candle

Whilst away on a camping weekend, I watched someone take and light 3 thin candles and 2 much wider candles which had wax built up around the edges. As I watched, I was amazed to realize just how different God’s perspective on things can sometimes be to mine…

Last night, you said that you were just an ordinary person. I often see God in really ordinary places. Last night, while you were playing with your candles, it really got me thinking. (I said I think better at night time!)

The three small candles, you lit and stuck to the plate with melted wax. One candle was a bit more tricky to stick to the plate because it had been burnt at both ends but instead of giving up, you persevered until all three were secured to the plate.

The two larger candles, you lit and left them to glow for a while. I actually thought that those flames would have more protection from the wind because the wax was built up around them. Then you picked up a penknife and started hacking away at the wax that shielded them. It made me smile when you were told to “stop fiddling” because that is exactly the kind of thing that I would say to my husband. It surprised me when you started cutting the wax away, especially as you didn’t blow the candle out first. Instead, you cut carefully, ensuring that the flame continued to burn. I have to confess that I thought that this was a dangerous and unnecessary thing to do. It wasn’t until you finished carving away at the second candle and said “see, it burns much brighter now” that everything was revealed to me. What I didn’t realize was that all along, you had had a plan in mind to increase the brightness of the candles. I hadn’t even realized until you commented that the candles were brighter. From my limited perspective, I saw you playing or “fiddling” with lit candles and I have to admit that I was relieved that no children were around to watch you. But you saw the whole picture. You saw what you were aiming for and carried out your plan of action accordingly to ultimately increase the amount of light given off by the candles.

Isn’t that how God treats us? With your two fat candles, he sees tiny flames flickering, inhibited or restricted by the amount of wax around our lives.

Sometimes circumstances in our lives are difficult but it has always been the difficult times which have deepened and strengthened my relationship with God (although sometimes I haven’t realized this until I have come through the difficulty). Looking back now, I can see that during those times, God has very very gently started to scrape away at the wax.

Sometimes, larger chunks of wax came off too which were more painful but God ALWAYS protected the flame and never once allowed it to go out. Sometimes I wonder why God allows certain things to happen and what good can come from them but I need to remind myself in those times that at the moment (like with your candle), I have the limited perspective and I need to wait patiently to see the full picture. Your large candles were left with a permanent scar where the penknife had been (similar to Jacob’s scar after wrestling with the angel), but the difference in the amount of light that they were able to give off as a result of that scar was amazing!

Many times, I saw you watching carefully over your candles and occasionally emptying out or creating a run off to remove the molten wax in order to prevent the flames from “drowning”. Even the old, tired candle that had been burnt at both ends, you took the time and care needed until it was left burning brightly, SECURE on the plate. How much more closely does God watch over the candles of our lives and swiftly steps in when our flames are in danger of going out? I’m just grateful that God cares enough to “fiddle” with my candle when it needs attention.