Just a few of my observations about God's world

Observation of a Jug and Cups

The jugs of water and empty cups on the table caught my attention this morning at the prayer meeting. So many empty cups were stacked up, just waiting and the jugs of water were there, full and ready, but no one was pouring the water out. It just made me wonder how much I am like one of those cups. In order for the cup to be useful, it needs to be filled with the water first. How often do I sit there, waiting, feeling empty but just continue sitting and waiting. And all the time, just like that jug, God has so much life giving water for me – his love, peace, blessings, his spirit and so much more that he longs to pour into my life to fill me. But God waits for me to ask before he starts pouring. The only thing that prevents me from being filled is that I don’t ask God often enough. Even when I do ask and am filled by God, I leak because my cup has many imperfections in it and unless I keep asking to be refilled, it isn’t long before I am empty again.